2 | Exams | 6/4/22

 It is the weekend, and last week was officially the last day of actual school. That means that next week will be the final week of school altogether. The final week, of course, means exams are coming.

Last week, we had a teacher-made exam for my first period, meaning that I didn't have to go into the school to take it. Since I take online school, it was a breeze, since, admittedly, I had the ability to look through some of my notes. There weren't necessarily any rules saying I couldn't, so I did. The test was relatively a breeze, and it actually showed me my score at the end, which luckily showed that I passed. The first out of three exams are done. Unfortunately, that may have been the easiest I'll have it.
Next week, this Monday, I will have to go into the school to take the other two exams. The unfortunate part comes both in how early I have to get to the school, and how long I have to stay in the school. I have to arrive there at around 7am, which doesn't sound terrible, until it comes to the fact that in order to get ready and drive there, I have to wake up significantly early. I don't live super close to my school, so it's a 30 or 40 minute drive. In that case, I may have to wake up at 5:30am at the latest. It's going to be a very miserable morning.
Not only that, but I have to take both exams on the same day. This means I'll spend the first three hours taking a math exam (while I'm exhausted and starving), then take a quick lunch break, and proceed with my economics exam at ~11am. That means I could get home at 2:30pm at the latest. If you're too lazy to do the math, that's about 8 hours in school. I can already tell that I'm going to want to fall asleep the second I come home. It's going to be exhausting at the very least, and I probably won't want to step foot into the internet all day. I suppose don't be surprised if I don't show up.

Am I nervous about the exams? Not the exams themselves. They're both multiple-choice (where you choose between 4 answers), so worst comes to worst, I just guess the answers. Otherwise, it seems like the exams will be pretty easy and should hopefully allow me to just spend most of the school day trying to take naps or eating dreadfully warm brainfood. Other than that, the day should be pretty easy.
Where my anxiety comes in is where the hell I have to go.
I was instructed the room number for the first exam, and then after that, I have to go to the media center for the other exam. The problem is, I have absolutely no idea where either of those places are. I'm hoping that the directions will be apparent, or maybe I can just follow the other students, but it could easily be left up to our own judgement. Again, worst comes to worst, I ask a teacher for directions, but I'd be much happier to avoid that if I can. I'm hoping that the teachers will be aware that about half of the students are from virtual school, and will help direct us around. We'll see when the day comes, I suppose.

In other, unrelated news, yesterday was a horrendous day. It was mostly normal at first, although I was pretty tired since it was Friday, and I had gone through almost a whole week of waking up early. The problem came in at around 6pm, right before dinner. I was trying to get hungry so that I could eat a lot of the food, but suddenly I started feeling nausea building up in my stomach. Eventually, come 7pm, when dinner is ready, I'm struggling to walk around out of fear of vomiting. I grabbed my dinner and went upstairs, trying to lie down in my chair so that I could ease my stomach, but it was still a pretty big struggle to keep the food down. Eventually I gave up, told my parents I wasn't feeling well, and moped off to my bedroom to try and recover.
I spent 4 1/2 hours paralyzed in my bed feeling like I could throw up at any second. Luckily my Amazon delivery of the first Attack on Titan manga volume (for sentimental reasons) arrived so I could read that. I finished it in about 30 minutes, so I just went to watching The Office. It helped a bit, and so did my dog, Therri, coming up to my bed to "protect" me, but I still felt really tired and miserable.
Come 11pm, I'm phasing in and out of consciousness due to how tired I was. I talked to my bf about how I was suffering, and he recommended I just go to sleep and try to recover. Miraculously, after I gave up and took a small nap, I felt completely fine. After that nap, I just decided to go to bed at that point. I was in a great mood after that since I was happy I finally recovered.
The cause of the nausea was unknown, since there was absolutely nothing that could've possibly caused it that was apparent to any of us. I ate normal stuff all day yesterday, nothing adventurous. I was some way through my "time of the month", so it wasn't that. I hadn't had any digestive issues until right before dinner, when I hadn't eaten for only 3 or 4 hours, which is usually completely innocent to my stomach. I wasn't constipated either.
Regardless of the cause, I'm glad that I got over it that relatively quickly, and that the medicine was just to close my eyes and forget about it. It's almost like it's self-induced out of stress or something.

Anyway, that's my update for the week. I will make another entry after the exam to see how I managed to handle it. Until next time.


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